Post and Beam

PROJECT - 1408 square foot timber Post & Beam building. Framework measures 24' X 40' on the main floor with a 24' X 16' second floor. Fir 8"X 8" timbers comprise the posts and beams with 4" X 10" curved knee braces as well as 6"X 8" floor joists. Finishing it off is two gable roof lines with ridge beams on king posts with two shed dormers.
STUDENTS - Pascal Annen - Switzerland
Victor Deane - Victoria BC
David Jeffery - Seattle, Washington
Sean Johnson - Garabaldi Highlands BC
Joel Knopff - Calgary Alberta
Tanner Lawton - Eckville Alberta
Conner Leveille - Elko Nevada
D'Arcy McGregor - Gabriola Island BC
Derek Mourao - Pickering Ontario
Andy Robinson - North Vancouver BC